.ORG.CN Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .ORG.CN registration A$29.60 A$59.20 A$88.80 A$118.40 A$148.00 A$177.60 A$207.20 A$236.80 A$266.40 A$296.00
.ORG.CN with hosting A$19.79 A$49.39 A$78.99 A$108.59 A$138.19 A$167.79 A$197.39 A$226.99 A$256.59 A$286.19

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.ORG.CN no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

Registering .ORG.CN Domains

In order to achieve marvelous local search rankings in People's Republic of China, you will need a .ORG.CN domain name. Thus, your website will rank higher in popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. What's more, it will draw more website visitors from People's Republic of China, since it will be considered as being a local website and will be visited much more often by local citizens.

Purchase your .ORG.CN domain name from doabia75 for just A$29.60 a year!

.ORG.CN Domain Name Management with doabia75

Not only can you register low-cost .ORG.CN domains with doabia75, but you can also manage them in an effort- and time-saving fashion. Using our custom Domain Manager, which is included in our in-house created Web Hosting Control Panel, you will be able to update the WHOIS information and the DNS resource records for your .ORG.CN domains with several clicks of the mouse, to lock 'n' unlock them, etc. Many other important settings can be applied too.

Last, but not least, if you have a hosting account with doabia75, our time-proven Web Hosting Control Panel will allow you to administer your web sites and your domains at the same time.