A Point & Click Web Control Panel

The point ’n’ click Web Control Panel is the final result of a lot of hours of work. It was made with just one particular objective in mind – to make web site administration simple and quick.

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A Point & Click Web Control Panel
Service Scalability

Start small, but get big. Our Linux shared hosting packages platform permits you to start with a less powerful plan and to add more upgrades only when you need them. Or to quickly upgrade to a more robust hosting package at any moment.

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Service Scalability
Shared Hosting System

Our shared hosting system is the basis of our online business. It is unbelievably stable, dependable and safe. This is what permits us to guarantee a 99.9% uptime and to fulfill our promise.

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Shared Hosting System
Multiple Data Centers

Choose where to host your website – in the States, in England, in Eastern Europe or in Australia. Enjoy faster–than–the–speed–of–light website load times thanks to the enterprise–level datacenters we have selected – the Colohouse data center in the United States of America, the UK Servers data center in England, the Ficolo data center in Finland, the S3 data center in Bulgaria, and the Amaze data center in Australia.

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Multiple Data Centers
An Instant Site Installer

Launch your next site with a charge–free web design template in less than five minutes with our Site Installer. Absolutely no special abilities are required. No installation is needed either.

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An Instant Site Installer
Application Installer

With our easy–to–use Application Installer, you’ll be able to install more than 40 commonly used software apps with just a click of the mouse. No extra setup is needed.

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Application Installer
Free Website Themes

With every Linux shared hosting packages package, you gain access to 1000s of no charge website templates, which you can install with merely a click right from your Web Control Panel. All our themes are entirely free.

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Free Website Themes
A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

When we claim that our Linux shared hosting packages services are risk–free, we don’t just mean our 99.9% uptime guarantee. In case you don’t like our services, you can get a refund within the first four weeks of your subscription, without any strings attached.

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A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
24x7 Support

Having to wait around for the technical support team members to respond is unacceptable. And we, at doabia75, are placing our customers first. That’s the reason why we offer a 24x7 support service with a 1–hour tech support ticket response guarantee.

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24x7 Support