Using the Web Control Panel, it will be possible to oversee every aspect of your web presence. You will have at hand complete reports, which will give you actual info about the resources your web sites are using as well as the views they are receiving. You will also find some significant info about the servers in general. The data is broken into areas, which enables you to quickly find your way around.

Server Specifics

Look at the server’s Operating System, IP address, and so forth.

In the Web Statistics Manager part of the Web Control Panel, you can get live information about the web server including the Operating System that is utilized as well as the physical IP address of your hosting account. Moreover, you can discover valuable details for your website design projects including the current versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, as well as the setup Perl modules. Email server info like the sendmail path or the incoming and outbound emaill servers is also integrated.

All the hosting server info is brought to you in an easy–to–read way so that you can easily find the details that you require.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Logs

Immediately locate any website functionality issues

The Access and Error Logs document data concerning the server, including details of web server access in addition to the sorts of faults stumbled upon during hosting server functioning. You can get both forms of information about the efficiency of your sites in the Web Statistics Manager section of the Web Control Panel.

The access log lists the whole set of text files, image files, movie files, etc. that people already have asked for to look at in your web site, and the error log archives all warnings and issues that the host has spotted ever since the log file is created.

Hepsia File Manager

Website Traffic Reports

View the traffic to your website in more detail

From the web stats tools incorporated into the doabia75 Web Control Panel, you can monitor the visitors on your web site in the finest detail. You can choose between two common interfaces – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which give you more information about the viewers to your web site and the content material they review on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly principle.

You don’t have to set up absolutely anything upfront to obtain site traffic details for your websites. Within the Traffic Statistics area of the Web Control Panel, simply open up the information file for a given site and get hold of the figures you will need for your web marketing practices.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Statistics

Track your sites’ CPU load

The server’s CPU is important for the communication between your web site and its site visitors. The more complex and resource–consuming your websites are, the more host assets and CPU time will be demanded. Through the CPU stats section, you are able to check which exactly web site is employing the largest amount of CPU allocations.

You need to consider steps to enhance your websites in case the CPU consumption limit has been arrived at. You can view in–depth statistics for each day and month as well as for a full calendar year.

Hepsia File Manager