Utilizing our Site Optimization Tools, you can easily concentrate on your web site’s popularity from the Web Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get complete sitemap for your site within a few minutes. You can easily submit the sitemap to the major search engines to ensure that they could crawl your site in a timely manner. Additionally, through the RSS News syndication software, you can deploy frequently kept up to date content on your web site, which is actually a warranty for better listing positions with search engines. doabia75’s GeoIP re–direction application will allow you to re–direct customers from a specific place into a specified language variation of your website for more precise marketing results.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your pages in a click

The best method of getting your newly launched site placed in the search engines is to send a sitemap. The sitemap offers the whole set of web pages on your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it that you’ll want those pages to be crawled as soon as possible. Sitemaps are typically made by third–party instruments. However, with doabia75, you don’t need to navigate away from your Web Control Panel. Our in–house–built Sitemap Generator is incorporated into the Advanced Applications area and is going to generate a sitemap for you with a click of the mouse.

Everything you need to do is pick the highest quantity of web pages you wish to be scanned, the range of the crawled hyperlinks and also the extension of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geo location–based redirections with only a click of the mouse

doabia75 will provide you with a great way to direct your site visitors on the basis of their location. Via the GeoIP redirection application, you can reroute all of the visitors who arrive from a certain country to a native language version of your site. For example, in case you have an Italian variant of your web site, you can quickly send all of the customers coming from Italy to that particular web page instead of asking them to move to Italian once they load the English version. This will help you offer your visitors with a user–friendly on–line stay from the beginning.

There is no need for virtually any particular skills or tech expertise to work with the GeoIP re–direction tool. Everything is configured with just a click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most current news on your site

In the doabia75 Web Control Panel, we’ve included a tool, which allows you to include information from the most preferred news channels worldwide inside your websites, with just a click. Our News Syndication application functions automatically and won’t call for any additional configuration work on your end,

The RSS News module is fully customizable with regards to HTML and CSS. You could modify the actual number of information pieces that will be displayed, exactly how they will appear like, exactly how they will be arranged, and so on.

RSS News