Administration Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are far too busy working on your web site or developing your apps, you hardly ever have the time to check what is happening with the virtual server – if it is under excessive load or whether all the services are running just fine. With our Administration Services solution, we will take care of this on your behalf. Your server will be included in the custom server monitoring system and in case there’s a sign of a trouble, our system administrators will be notified automatically.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Keeping a backup copy of all your hosted content is necessary – you never know when something can go wrong. And with the Administration Services package, you will enjoy weekly backups of your whole VPS, not only of your data, without you being required to set up and configure anything. Furthermore all the backup copies are kept on a server with a group of RAID–configured hard disks. This means that your content will always be protected, regardless of what happens.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • In case you’d like your VPS server to have video conversion or video streaming capabilities, you need to install & configure certain software applications on it. And if this may seem like something too problematic for you, then our Installation & Troubleshooting solution, part of our Administration Services offer, is the best solution for you. While using it, you will have the complete and uninterrupted attention of one of our practiced server administrators who will install and set–up any software package or solve any problem that you are having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Administration Services deal comes bundled with most of our OpenVZ Linux VPS Packages. With our KVM Linux VPS Packages, it’s an optional feature.

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