What is Drupal?

If you are seeking a secure and safe CMS system, then you can certainly bet on precisely the same system that’s employed by the White House (WhiteHouse.gov) as well as The Economist (Economist.com) – Drupal. The Drupal CMS can be obtained for no extra charge, it’s very uncomplicated and incredibly customizable. It allows you to develop just about any web site within minutes.

With well over 500,000 proactive contributors, Drupal possesses one of the few largest application communities. The community has helped develop many cost–free Drupal themes, has improved the main features of Drupal with piles of Drupal plug–ins and is also constantly able to aid and share know–how about how things are done in the Drupal camp.

Drupal is a trademark of Dries Buytaert and shares no affiliation with doabia75.

Drupal–Optimized Linux Shared Hosting Packages Services

If you are searching for the best route to start your Drupal site then you’ve found the perfect place. At doabia75 we offer quick Drupal installation and setup with all of doabia75’s Drupal Linux shared hosting packages accounts. With each Drupal Linux shared hosting packages account, you are able to choose a totally new academy domain for just A$59.40, or move your existing one – once again for no cost!

Our Drupal Linux shared hosting packages packages are safeguarded through a 99.9% service uptime guarantee in addition to a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. Every Linux shared hosting packages account features unrestricted disk space, unrestricted traffic and unrestricted MySQL storage. Furthermore, our tech support staff is ready to help 24/7. They have a 1–hour max reply time guarantee and usually respond in less than 20 minutes.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

Our Drupal Linux shared hosting packages packages offer a simple Web Control Panel, that is 100% made by us. It is provided in a wide variety of languages and colors, enabling you to personalize it depending on your personal taste. The Control Panel features a point and click interface with a host of tools, which will supply you with total control over the content of your site.

You’ll receive a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Drupal files are going to be placed, a Database Manager for your own databases, and also an all–inclusive Mail Manager from where you can administer all of your emails. Moreover, you get access to an in depth statistics tool which will update you with real–time info on your site visitors and resource usage.