An electronic mailing list is a collection of email addresses that can get one and the same e-mail message simultaneously. When an email is sent to the primary address associated with the list, for example –, it is re-sent automatically to all of the email addresses that are included in that mailing list. This feature will permit you to reach subscribers without any effort, so you can send announcements or any other information on a periodic basis to all your clients. Based on the software that is used to administer the list itself, email addresses can be added manually by the mailing list’s admin or users need to register, giving their approval to get messages in the future. A mailing list will spare you lots of time and will enable you to remain in touch with your customers effortlessly, which can strengthen the popularity of your site.

Mailing Lists in Shared Hosting

If you use any of our Linux shared hosting packages and our email services in particular, you will be able to set up a mailing list without any effort or even use multiple mailing lists, if you would like to stay in touch with different types of people and to send them different content. With only a couple of clicks of the mouse in the Email Manager area of the Hepsia Control Panel, you can select the email address that the content will be sent from, and the administrative email address and password that you’ll use to administer a variety of settings. We employ Majordomo, one of the most famous mailing list management software apps available on the marketplace, which will allow you to add/delete users and to modify quite a few options associated with the subscribers and the email messages they get.

Mailing Lists in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Each and every semi-dedicated server that we are offering will permit you to set up as many mailing lists as you wish. It will take only a few clicks of the mouse to set up a brand-new mailing list from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with the semi-dedicated server plans. You will just need to create a new email address – for instance,, where you’ll send your newsletters and set this address to be the one associated with the mailing list, thus all newsletters sent to it will be re-sent automatically to all your mailing list subscribers. You can also choose an admin username and password that will permit you to manage a variety of options for each mailing list. The well-liked Majordomo mailing list client that we make use of is feature-loaded and you can easily add, remove or approve users, see the list of all current mailing list subscribers, etc. If you do not need a given mailing list any longer, you can remove it with one single click of the mouse.