If you make use of a mailing list to touch base with some or all of the visitors/users on your website on a regular basis, its subscribers are often referred to as mailing list members. They need to sign up and to give their explicit consent to get automatic email messages. You can authorize mailing list members manually as well, provided that the mailing list client application that you use to manage the list permits this. According to the generally accepted policies, a list member should be able to unsubscribe at any time. You, being the mailing list moderator, can also remove mailing list members if they should not get email messages for some reason. The messages that each member gets will have only one address in the "To" field, not the addresses of all the members.

Mailing List Members in Shared Hosting

The feature-stuffed Majordomo mailing list management software that is included with our Linux shared hosting packages will grant you complete authority over the members of any list that you set up through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You will be able to include or remove users by sending an email to majordomo@your-domain.com, so you can do this from any location without even having to log into the Control Panel. If you add a mailing list member manually, they will get a confirmation request that they have to accept, so as to become part of the list. As soon as they do that, they’ll get a message with the list’s policies and options. You’ll also be able to view a thorough list of all your mailing list subscribers and to check who is getting your newsletters or any other kind of periodic online correspondence.

Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you host your domain names under a semi-dedicated server account with us and you wish to send periodic messages to your clients, you will be able to configure as many mailing lists as you wish. You can include as many mailing list members as you want too. You will be able to use one of the most popular mailing list management software apps available on the market – Majordomo. Managing your subscribers will be as simple as sending a message with a given command to majordomo@domain.com. Thus, you can view all the subscribers for a certain list, import new ones or remove the ones that should no longer get your email messages. You will also receive access to several instructional articles in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel where you will find more in-depth information about the management of your subscribers, including all Majordomo commands.